As the world evolves and professional landscapes react, one trend that will not be going away anytime soon is the ideal of working from home. As technology becomes more accessible and standards change, the possibility of working online from a remote location is becoming more and more of a reality for many.
Naturally, the viability of this option will vary by industry. For example, there can never be a work from home cab driver! Online insurance jobs, however, have been surging in recent years as work from home career opportunities become more common.
Why Work from Home Insurance Jobs Make Sense
Online insurance jobs make a lot of sense. The insurance industry offers the ability to earn a lot all through helping individuals and families find the right insurance policy. Additionally, the process of getting licensed, contracted, and working with clients can all be done remotely! Now, everyone is different and some will find less success as an online insurance agent and more by working with clients in person. However, if working from home is something that really suites you, an online insurance job might be the perfect fit!
Should You Work from Home?
Working remotely has its pros and cons. The solitude may lead some individuals to work more productively, while others will more easily get distracted. With some jobs, you may be looking at a significant pay cut in exchange for the convenience of working out of office.
Fortunately, insurance jobs fit into these dynamics perfectly. Most successful insurance agents are independent contractors, and therefore are used to taking accountability for their output. Whether they work in an office space, on the road, or from their home, insurance agents find success when they focus on their work.
Similarly, earnings can be just as high (perhaps even higher!) for those with online insurance jobs. Compensation rates will not change if a policy is sold in person, over the phone, over zoom, or any other method. So, if an insurance agent can be more efficient working from home, they will make even more!
The Hybrid Model: In-Person Combined with Online Insurance Career Opportunities
Work from home career opportunities are growing by the day, but seeing that most insurance agents are independent contractors, many make the decision to both sell remotely and in-person!
What this ends up looking like is that an insurance agent will call clients and give them the option to set an in-person appointment, or simply get their coverage over the phone. If an insurance agent is willing to be flexible in this manner, they can have the best of both worlds and help all types of people, including those who are both local and living far-away.
Where to Find Online Insurance Jobs?
Insurance Marketing Organizations (IMOs) are a great resource for those looking to begin as insurance agents or simply find work from home career opportunities. A quality IMO will set an individual get their state license, provide training to help them grow, and even offer leads so the agent has an abundance of clients to contact. Can you believe that!?!?! That said, individuals should be wary of captive IMOs which often lock agents into unfair contracts.
IMOs like Family First Life offer to all agents a work from home insurance job, along with industry leading compensation and free training. This way, agents can work however they feel most comfortable while still being able to earn what they deserve!