Before entering the world of life insurance, it’s important to have a good understanding of life insurance companies, life insurance agent training, and insurance broker training. If you don’t have your license, you will be required to obtain one before selling premiums. Many life insurance companies will walk you through this process, and Family First Life is one of them. The upside of choosing Family First Life is the comparison to other life insurance companies. Here at FFL, we pride ourselves on being able to offer a minimum of 100% compensation and provided life insurance agent training. Insurance broker training and high compensation are not guaranteed when working with other life insurance companies. Other life insurance companies will start their new agents at 50% compensation, essentially taking half of your commission. Another downside of working for other life insurance companies is the lack of warm market leads. Without actual inquiries, you’ll run out of friends and family to sell to. Family First Life is more reliable because we will never ask you to sell to friends and family, instead, we provide a lead system that guarantees real clients who are looking for life insurance.
Another reason to choose FFL over other life insurance companies is the fact that we will not ask you to sign a contract. Most IMOs will force you into a contract so that you can’t sell elsewhere, but with Family First Life, we give you the ability to work on your own terms and opt-out if you choose to. We believe independent agents should be able to work around their personal schedules and decide when and where they want to work. This is why transparency among life insurance companies is important, and if they don’t bring this up, this is a vital question to ask. The number one reason other insurance agents (from other companies) get chargebacks is that there wasn’t enough transparency when they sold the policy. In FFL’s life insurance agent training, we teach you how to handle and avoid chargebacks altogether so that you never end up in that position. The second reason agents from other companies struggle is because their clients are confused about what they should do. Throughout our training program, you will know the ins and outs of insurance to optimize your career. This will prevent any confusion on both ends of the sale, and inevitably lead to a higher commission. With that being said, it’s highly recommended to choose Family First Life as your IMO, because you will have access to elite insurance broker training, high compensation, and no contracts.